Friday, December 24, 2010

Twas the night......

This is a little diddy my husband and I wrote...enjoy :)

Twas the night……..

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the salon, not a brush was stirring, not even Revlon.

The lotions were lined on the counters with care, for hopes that Paula Polish soon would be there.

The hands were nestled all rubbed in their creams, as visions of Chanels were applied in their dreams.

And I in my Paraffin and Papa in his “No-Bite,” had just settled down for a soak in “Bubble White.”

When over by the Pedicure chairs there rose such a clatter, I grabbed my acetone to clean up the splatter.

Over to the chairs I rushed in a dash and discovered that there was not a bit of a splash.

On a bright new display there shined but one light. It was the OPI Burlesque collection on this great glittery night.

When what to my wondering eyes would I see, freshly pedicured nails of eight white Maltese.

With a young woman sporting a manicure perfectly, I knew in a moment it must be Paula P.

More rapid than Seche Vite her pooches they came, and she tapped an Orangewood stick and called them by name.

Now OPI, Now Orly!
Now Maybelline and Sally Hansen!
On China Glaze! On Color Club!
On Borghese and Debra Lipmann!

As I drew in my head and was watching tails wag, came Paula Polish with a reusable Sephora Shopping bag.

She was dressed in all glitter from head to her heels, and her nails funky frenched with stamped snowflakes and sealed.

A bundle of creams and something strapped to her back, it was a glistening overflowing nailpolish rack.

Her nails how they twinkled, her cuticles so smooth, nails filed perfectly not a single rough groove.

Out peaked from her open toed high heeled shoes, was the most wonderful pedicure, all shiny and new.

She spoke not a word, but went straight to her chore, and pulled out from her bag, bottles of nail polish galore.

Reds, pinks, purples and even holographic blues, with so many colors, how could anyone choose?

Cotton balls, decals, Konads, and clippers, she even included shiny cuticle nippers.

She corralled up her pups, and in the flash of a dry, she began her exit and then waved goodbye.

But I heard her exclaim, without a chip in sight, “Merry Mani’s to all, and to all a good night!”

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